Four Easy Steps to Setting-up a Website for Your Practice

Creating a website for your practice is like setting up a virtual office for clients to visit.  While visiting your website, prospective clients can learn more information about your approach to nutrition and how to schedule appointments. However, many dietitians struggle to balance the administrative aspects of their business and their work with clients.

How can busy dietitians build a website with little tech experience, investment or time? It’s easier than you might think.

Choose a Domain Name

The most important task of setting up a practice website is to purchase your domain name. This is the web address your clients (and search engines) will look for when trying to choose a dietitian. If you don’t have a name for your practice, you can also use your own name. Many website development platforms such as Wix, Ukit and Weebly allow you to purchase your domain address at the same place you create your website.

Purchase Web Hosting

While it sounds super technical, your web host is the place on the internet your website will live in. There are a number of reputable businesses who host your domain for little cost. These companies may also assist you when it’s time to build your website. While making a choice can be a little overwhelming, look for a company that has positive reviews, rock-solid uptime and provides quick, ongoing support for any issues that will come up. It is also worth noting most website builders also provide hosting as part of their packages.

Build your Website

This is not as hard as it sounds! These days you don’t need to be able to code to build your own site. There are many website builder sites available that allow you to design a website quickly and easily, no experience required. You will be able to choose a website design for a selection of premade templates. The template can then be customized with a few clicks of the mouse. You can add or remove pages, choose graphics which represent your practice and write the copy which will reside on your pages. In most cases, this whole process can be accomplished in a single afternoon. Website builder sites are also very affordable, often offering free base subscription plans.

There are many website builders to choose from popular options include Wix, Squarespace and Weebly. For a review of various options, we recommend the following site – The Best Website Builders.

Setting-Up Your Online Scheduler

Electronic medical records and practice management solutions like Kalix come with HIPAA Compliant online scheduling features that allow you to add a scheduling widget to your practice’s website so that you can accept bookings 24/7. All bookings will sync with your Kalix appointment calendar, client files, and automated reminders. The scheduling widget will only take minutes to set-up without the need for coding.

At the end of the day, your website is an extension of your practice. Prospective clients will want to find information about you, your methods and will look for easy ways to contact you through the internet. Don’t be afraid to personalize this space to reflect who you are and what you want your clients to accomplish through their work with you!

How to Create Engaging Social Media Content Fast!

In our connected world, many private practice dietitians depend on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to reconnect with existing clients and locate new ones. When you’re time poor and running a busy practice, there are often not enough hours in the day to find engaging content for your social media feeds. The process can often seem overwhelming and of little value, if you’re not strategic about how you utilize these important marketing tools.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to create engaging content for social media. With some easy tips and free tools, it is simple to create content that will reach potential clients and provide useful information to your followers.

Find out where your clients are hanging out

Each social media platform has a different personality and way of engagement. If your clientele is younger, they are more likely to be found on Instagram. Overwhelmed moms, frequent Pinterest and use it as a search engine. People aged 30-50 are active on Facebook. If you want to connect with your peers or establish yourself as an expert in the field, LinkedIn is a great way to connect.

If you are totally new to social media, it may be worthwhile focusing on building your presence on just one platform initially. When feeling more confident, you can move on to other programs.

Include different types of posts

 It can be easy to grab some articles from your favorite blog or a Google search and share them on your page. However, don’t forget that images or video are often more engaging (and more likely to increase your following). How many times have you shared a great quote picture or a relevant video on your personal accounts? Tools like Facebook Live or Canva make it easy to create videos and images that are engaging and don’t take much of your time.

Consider a scheduling tool

Chances are you don’t have hours to spend posting on social media. Free, user-friendly scheduling tools such as Buffer or Hootsuite can allow you to schedule all your social media posts ahead of time. And even with the busiest schedule, your entire week’s social media posts could be scheduled within an hour or so, perhaps during one lunch break. Social media scheduling tools usually offer an array of other functionalities such as the ability to see what times your audience is checking their social media feeds and hence take guesswork of when to post. Some even suggest articles to post.

Social media can be an affordable and efficient marketing tool. Using the tips described here can be your first step toward amplifying your social media presence, growing your practice and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

3 Ways Dietitians Can Increase Follow-Up Appointments

Today, it is common practice for providers to schedule a follow-up appointment before the client has even left the office. But that doesn’t stop the no-call, no-show clients who wreck your calendar and make rescheduling a hassle. So how do you put a stop to this lack of follow through?

Explain the need for follow-ups

While this may seem obvious to most, follow-up appointments are often lost in the wealth of information provided to the client during appointments. In addition to ensuring the client knows what to expect from their next appointment, think about also creating email follow-up sequences as well. For example, practice management and electronic health records such as Kalix gives the ability to securely contact clients at any time via its ad hoc messaging functionality.

Automate your follow-up reminders

Cater to your clients by giving them information about their follow-up appointments using their preferred contact method. Text messages, emails, and phone calls are all great ways to reach out. Make sure you’re using a HIPAA secure program for your messaging to ensure confidentiality! Kalix’s automated appointment reminder functionality will remind your clients of their upcoming appointments with zero effort from you.

Make it easy for clients to reschedule

For many different reasons, people need to reschedule their appointments. By having a 24/7 calendar available online, clients can reschedule at their own convenience, at any time of the day or night. This makes scheduling uncomplicated and less time consuming for you. Kalix’s Online Scheduling feature allows you to add a widget to your practice’s website so that you can accept bookings 24/7. All bookings will sync with your Kalix appointment calendar.

There are many different ways to ensure that client follow-up with their healthcare providers. While there are many free software programs which can accomplish these tasks, they often add steps to your process and are not HIPAA Compliant. When looking for innovative solutions, be sure to seek a practice management system that will simplify your scheduling and revolutionize the way you conduct business.

All You Need to Know PQRS & MIPS (Dietitian Edition)

The Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) was a quality reporting program by Medicare that applied to all Registered Dietitians (RDs) and other eligible professionals that received payments under Medicare Part B (via CMS 1500 claim forms). To encourage participation Medicare applied a negative payment adjustment (reductions) to all Medicare payments when non-compliance or unsatisfactory reporting occurred.

For the 2016 PQRS reporting period, Kalix was approved by Medicare as a Qualified Registry. To our knowledge, Kalix was the first and only Dietitian specific PQRS Registry.

PQRS is Dead, Long Live MIPS

The Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) ended in December 2016 and was replaced by Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).  MIPS has many similar aspects to PQRS, however, it a new system combining three different quality programs: Meaningful Use, PQRS, and Value-Based Payment Modifier programs. While Registered Dietitians were considered as eligible professionals under the PQRS program, they did not qualify for Meaningful Use or the Value-Based Payment Modifier program.

RDs Do Not Currently Qualify for MIPS

As a brand new program, MIPS has new eligible criteria. At least for 2017 and 2018, Registered Dietitians (RDs) are not considered eligible, click here for further details. There are yet be any announcements about whether the eligible clinician group will be extended for 2019 and beyond.

 New Exclusion Criteria

Medicare is seeking to reduce the burden of MIPS program participation by the introduction of new exclusion criteria. Newly enrolled Medicare providers and clinicians with low volume threshold are currently excluded.

Voluntary Participation

CMS has stated that they will allow non-eligible providers i.e., RDs to participate in MIPS during the 2017 and 2018 reporting period on a voluntary basis (without any possible payment adjustments). Unfortunately, there is currently a lack of information about what voluntary participation looks like.

MIPS in a Nutshell

Medicare states that MIPS moves Medicare Part B clinicians to a performance-based payment system providing “clinicians with the flexibility to choose the activities and measures that are most meaningful to their practice.” MIPS performance activities are classified into four categories. Clinicians can select applicable activities from each category.

Quality (replaces PQRS)

Report up to 6 quality measures, including an outcome measure, for a minimum of 90 days. Quality Measures are the same as those included in PQRS 2016. Participation can be via claims, a qualified registry or a certified EHR system.

Cost (Replaces Value-Based Modifier)

No data submission required. Calculated from claims.

Improvement Activities (New category)

Complete up to 4 improvement activities for a minimum of 90 days. There is a list of close to 100 suggested improvement activities. Some examples are listed below:

  • Engagement of patients through implementation of improvements in a patient portal
  • Use of telehealth services that expand practice access
  • Provide peer-led support for self-management
  • Engagement of community for health status improvement
  • Evidenced-based techniques to promote self-management into usual care
  • Use group visits for common chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes)
  • Practice improvements that engage community resources in supporting patient health goals
  • Glycemic management services
  • Implementation of practices/processes for developing regular individual care plans
  • Implementation of specialist reports back to referring clinician or group to close referral loop
  • Improved practices that disseminate appropriate self-management materials
  • Enhanced practices that engage patients pre-visit
  • Implementation of documentation improvements for practice/process improvements

Advancing Care Information (Replaces Meaningful Use)*

RDs have not been eligible to participate in Meaningful Use/ EHR Incentive Program in the past.  Eligible professionals can choose to submit up to 9 measures via a certified EHR technology for a minimum of 90 days. Measures include:

  • Security Risk Analysis
  • E-Prescribing
  • Provide Patient Access
  • Send Summary of Care
  • Request/Accept Summary of Care
  • Clinical Data Registry Reporting
  • Clinical Information Reconciliation
  • Electronic Case Reporting
  • Immunization Registry Reporting
  • Patient-Generated Health Data
  • Patient-Specific Education
  • Public Health Registry Reporting
  • Request/Accept Summary of Care
  • Secure Messaging

*If considering voluntary participation, RDs may not need to submit data on these measures.

Predictions & The Future

There are yet be any announcements about whether the eligible clinician group will be extended to include Registered Dietitians in the future. Personally, I am hopeful for future participation. As a profession, we do not want to be excluded from MIPS forever. There could be serious financial implications for Medicare reimbursement rates for RDs in the future.

It is reassuring that voluntary participation by non-eligible clinicians is allowed for the next two years. CMS has also made changes to some of it’s MIPS component programs (i.e., Quality- replacing PQRS and Advancing Care Information – Replacing Meaningful use) to make them more flexibility and hence improving their applicability to non-physician healthcare professionals. I was also pleased to notice a change in CMS’s language, they are no longer referring to healthcare providers as physicians (i.e., Physician Quality Reporting System) but announced officially the use of the term “clinician” instead. This is much more of an inclusive word.

At Kalix, we are dedicated to ensuring our program meets all Medicare’s requirements for the future. We have made the decision to retire our PQRS Registry feature for this year (2017) so that we can concentrate on other new features and functionalities like Telehealth. Participation in the Quality component of MIPS can still be achieved for 2017 via Kalix’s claims and billing functionality. It is our goal that Kalix will have built-in MIPS functionality if (or when) RDs become a MIPS eligible profession.

How Choose to the Right HIPAA Compliant Email Provider For Your Private Practice

Kalix’s Messaging functionality allows you to securely communicate clients and contacts. Messages can be automated to remind and notify about upcoming appointments, as a reminder to pay outstanding bills, to collect client information via online forms and electronic paperwork), to communicate with other healthcare providers, as well as on an ad hoc basis.

It is important to note, that the sending, receiving and storage of any Protected Health Information is subject HIPAA Compliance. Hence, when choosing your practice’s email provider, HIPAA Compliance must be at the top of your checklist for requirements.

There are lots of solutions out there, we suggest that your number one priority should be when choosing a solution, is to select the product from a company that will enter into a business associate agreement with you. By entering into a business associate agreement, the company takes responsibility for the privacy and security of email storage and transmission. If a breach happens, they are legally responsible, not you.

Relating to security, the larger companies are often the best, as they have the most money to spend on technology and infrastructure. They can also be the most affordable. Below are some options what we recommend:

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 has security certifications for HIPAA compliance such as FISMA, ISO 27001, and SSAE 16. They will enter into a Business Associate Agreement with you, click here for further details. You can pay for full access to Microsoft products including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, and Access. Office 365 is compatible with PCs or Macs, tablets and smartphones. Alternatively, you can just pay for an email only plan. Click here for more info.


Similarly, Google has the security certifications for HIPAA compliance and will enter into a Business Associate Agreement with users that have an Administrator account with Google Apps.The BAA covers services including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Apps Vault services (Google’s online documents, spreadsheets, and presentations). For more info, please click here.


There are many other solutions out there. We highly recommend you read the following review of HIPAA compliant email services, click here to read.

Important Note

Regarding email security breaches, most are related to the hacking of email passwords. Emails solutions will not cover you if this happens. We have written an article about password security it is worth a read, click here to view.

It is also worth knowing that HIPAA does not prohibit the use of email to transmit electronic protected health information (ePHI). Instead, the HIPAA Security Rule requires covered entities (you) to implement administrative, physical and technical safeguards if engaged in the transmission of ePHI (email). A big part of this is getting your clients’ to sign a consent form (or Privacy Notice) before sending PHI via email.

Legal Considerations When Using Online Electronic Signatures

Kalix makes it easy for your practice to go completely paperless. Being able to securely share paperwork and collect electronic signatures online is now paramount for the modern healthcare practice. Kalix’s extensive template library includes many electronic agreements and notices including HIPAA forms, practice policies and Advanced Beneficiary Notices of Noncoverage (ABN). Alternatively, set up your own contracts using our blank templates. Through Kalix, share online patient agreements with only a few clicks of the mouse.

Unlike collecting and witnessing a written signature during an office visit, sending and collecting patient signatures online, can hold some additional legal considerations. This article will discuss these further.

Legal Considerations

What is an Electronic Signature?

An electronic signature is any electronic means that indicates either that an individual agrees to the contents of an electronic document, or that the person who claims to have written a document is the one who wrote it.

A signature can be any symbol made with the intent to authenticate a record or contract that is both:

(a) attached to or logically associated with a contract, e.g., service contract, form, e.g., consent form or record, e.g., chart note; and

(b) executed or adopted with the intent to sign the record.

This means that an electronic signature can be (without limitation):

  • typed;
  • clicking a checkbox
  • stylized script e.g., a written signature
Are Electronic Signatures Valid?

Most US states give electronic signatures the same legal effect as traditional signatures.

We suggest you all the following statements on your forms to show that there is an intent to conduct their relations electronically:

You agree that the electronic signatures included in this [form/ consent/contract] are intended to authenticate this writing and to have the same force and effect as manual signatures.

Electronic signature means any electronic sound, symbol or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed and adopted by a party with the intent to sign such record, including (without limitation) typing a name or clicking a checkbox.

Proper Processes and Controls

The complication of using electronic signatures is authentication of the person signing. You need to satisfy yourselves of “non-repudiation” – i.e., ensuring that data really is from the designated client, not someone else, so that the client cannot deny signing the document in the future.

Please remember, you need to verify the identity of the client signing
This can be by asking multiple questions in the form, such as the patient’s date of birth, mother’s maiden name, social security number, driver’s license number or demographic information. You should then compare the answers in the submitted online form against another source, e.g., referral letter, driver’s license, health insurance card.

Why I love the Nutrition Care Process

Claire smallerWow, I just came across this post. I drafted it an entire year ago but never published it. I wrote the content below after speaking at an electronic health record showcase in Melbourne Australia. I talked about a topic that is very close to my heart, Kalix’s electronic document feature, mainly it’s ability to track client outcomes and measure the effectiveness of professional practice. The basis of Kalix’s document feature is the Nutrition Care Process, hence the reason for the title of this post.

Rereading my post after an entire year, I still feel the topic is relevant now and reflective of my current thoughts so I thought it was time to put it out there. Why I didn’t publish it originally? I am not quite sure now…perhaps I felt it was a bit too much of a rant or maybe I couldn’t draw the post to a concise conclusion.  But isn’t the purpose of a blog to give people a medium to rant on (at least from time to time)?

Ok so now onto the post!

Why I love the Nutrition Care Process

In my very first blog post, I said I liked the Nutrition Care Process (NCP), that was 18 months ago. Between then and now I have been lucky to speak to many dietitians from around the world about NCP terminology.  And I have heard very many varying points of view about it. There are some who have well and indeed adopted NCP. While there are many others who still unsure about its merits.

You might be waiting for me to say that I’ve had second thoughts about NCP,  but no. Eighteen months ago I said I liked NCP, now I say I love it!

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That’s me a year ago speaking at an electronic health record showcase in Melbourne Australia. And the cardigan I am wearing is still one of my favorites! 

Back to the electronic health record showcase, so that is me, talking to a room of 80 or so, mostly middle-aged men, that do not know a lot about the world of dietetics and nothing about NCP or Kalix… but guess what, they all loved the idea! Ok, so I did include the big buzz words going around at the moment, ‘big data,’ ‘outcomes analysis’ etc., but they were genuinely impressed and excited that dietitians are implementing standardized terminology and a standardized model of nutritional care.

Why standardized language is cool!

As a dietitian, I am very proud that we have our own standardized language. Standardized terminology is here to stay, we have ICD-9 (with ICD-10 coming… one day), SNOMED, HCPCS, the list could go on. But none of these ‘fit’ very well with what a dietitian does.

What are the advantages of using standardized terminology? Ok, the most obvious one is having a shared common vocabulary. This allows different healthcare professions,  or dietitians across different sites,  healthcare systems, states and countries to exchange and apply health information in the same way.

It is estimated that 80% of serious medical errors involve miscommunication between healthcare professionals during patient transfer or handed-over. That’s scary!


How does miscommunication occur? Well quite easily and for lots of reasons. All of us miscommunicate at times. Miscommunication happens when what’s written or said is interpreted differently from its intended meaning. This can be due to the same word meaning different things like ‘supplement’ can refer to a high protein high energy oral nutritional supplement or a vitamin-mineral supplement. Different words can also mean the same thing, for example, enteral nutrition therapy is often referred to as PEG feeding, tube feeding, and even HEN.

And what about medical abbreviations?  Rx can mean Prescribe, Prescription, Prescription Only, Take, Therapy and Treatment. How about something more dietitian orientated, NBM can mean Nil by Mouth, No Bowel Movement, Normal Bowel Movement, Normal Bladder Mucosae and Normal Bone Marrow.

Using a standardized language limits miscommunication as there is only one possible interpretation of a given word or abbreviation. 

The changing shape of healthcare

The other major benefit of standardized terminology and NCP terminology (and this I what I find really exciting) is the ability to use it to measure the outcomes of client care and analyze our effectiveness.

Considering the completion in the healthy eating/wellness and weight management space, from weight loss programs, chefs, personal trainers, naturopaths, nutritionists, physicians, online weight loss gurus, the latest fad diet and many others. It isn’t enough for us dietitians to simply say that we know we make a difference to our clients’ health. To get clients and keep them, it’s up to us to demonstrate our effectiveness.

Yes collecting data and analyzing it takes time, and we are all time poor these days. This is the reason I started Kalix. I wanted to provide dietitians with a quick and easy way to collect and analyze data so we can prove our effectiveness as a profession. 

Why do we need a standardized language to do this?

It’s said data is king. If this is true than big data (or data collated from many dietitians) is omnipotent.  As an evidence-based profession, we know about the different levels of evidence. A meta-analysis (results from lots of different sources) is the highest level of evidence. So it is better for us as a profession to work together to show our combined effectiveness, and not going it alone with each of us separately trying to do this. Power in numbers like the saying goes.

Levels of evidence

The problem is if we collect and record information using different methods and varying terminology, the ability to combine and collate data is greatly diminished.

That’s why we need a standardized language!

Got it?

The future

The adoption of a standardized language is difficult. Any big change is. As dietitians we know this from experience, trying to foster and achieve behavior change in our clients can be really hard!

But today, more than at any time, we are able to take the plunge and make the change. With the technology available we can easily access any information we need in just a couple of clicks. We can also instantly connect and corroborate with others living on the other side of the world. Pretty amazing!

Technology also allows us to automate data collection and analysis. At Kalix, we combine data collection and analysis with something dietitians have to do charting, therefore making the process automated. Electronic documentation can make charting a lot quicker. It can even limit the need to learn and memorize standardized terminology.

Using Technology to Manage Your Practice Part 2

This post is by Claire Nichols co-founder and director of Kalix EMR and practice management solution. Claire is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, who has previously worked in private practice as well as clinical dietetics.

This is part 2 in a series of blogs that explore the ins and outs of using technology in private practice setting. It is based my experience working in private practice, as well as the lessons learned while starting my own business, Kalix.

What solutions are there out there?

During this post, I will look at example solutions that can assist with the management of a private practice. I am a bit hesitant about listing actual product names, but you have requested it… so I will…

But first a short disclaimer; I am not associated with any of the solutions listed (except for Kalix that is). This post is not meant to be a complete list. It just contains options I like.  If you are looking to implementing a new technology or solution, investigate and evaluate the different options available first. See my previous blog for things to consider.

Solutions to management your practice

Practice management solutions & electronic medical records

Practice management solutions assist with the management of the day-to-day tasks and operations a private practice.

How they can help:

  • Securely manage and store of sensitive health information
  • Meet government security and privacy requirements (e.g. HIPAA, HITECH, Australian Privacy Principles)
  • Increase the efficiency of client scheduling
  • Automate client appointment reminders to save time and reduce no shows
  • Streamline client, referral and contact management
  • Improve the consistency and efficiency of medical note documentation
  • Simplify invoicing, billing & payments

Example Solutions


Kalix is a HIPAA compliant, cloud-based EMR and practice management solution for diettians and allied health professionals. It has range of features including scheduling, automated reminders, client management, electronic documentation, configurable templates, billing and payments.


 Accounting software

Accounting software are applications that record and manage accounting transactions, invoicing, bank reconciliation bookkeeping and other functionality.

How they can help:

  • Automate data input
  • Instant production of powerful financial and management reports
  • Simplify cash flow management and budgeting

Example Solutions

  • Quickbooks
  • Xero

Social media management

There is more to social media than sharing selfies, baby photos and videos of cute kittens. Social media is almost considered an essential marketing and advertising tool for private practices. if used properly, it can help you to:

  • Connect with new clients and markets
  • Engage and maintain lasting relationships with current clients
  • Re-engage previous clients
  • Establish your expertise and authority in your area of practice
  • Create connections with other health professionals e.g. for referral sources, partnerships and collaborations.

The key phase here is “if used properly”… just participating in social media does not guarantee any of the above.  Social media can easily turn into a time consuming, ineffective and even expensive (if using paid ads) exercise…but the purpose of this blog isn’t to discuss the pros and cons of using social media… or how to achieve success in social media…Technology can help you to achieve success and make your efforts more efficient and effective.

How they can help:

  • Reduce the time required to manage social media accounts by:
      1. Publishing posts to all your social networks at once
      2. Suggesting content for posts
      3. Scheduling posts ahead of time
  • Analyse the effectiveness of your campaigns
  • Monitor your accounts for comments, mentions and reviews of your business

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Example solutions:


Schedules posts in advance for Tweets, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. Post to all medium simultaneously. Monitor conversations and engagement. Free plan.


Very similar to Hootesuite, but shares posts to different social media sthrough the day rather than all at once.

Post Planner

Suggests relevant “trending” content and images for Facebook posts. Provides status updates ideas. Schedules Facebook posts ahead of time.


Management tool for Twitter. Allows the management of multiple accounts in one interface. Schedules Tweets in advance. Tracks specified topics, hashtags and sends alerts. Allows the filtering of your feed.

Twitter Analytics

An analytics tool to see info about how many users are viewing and interacting with your tweet.

Email Marketing

Solutions to send bulk email messages to a subscriber list, they are often used to send electronic newsletters and special offers.

Note: despite being a widely used practice, in many countries, it is illegal to send direct email marketing messages without prior consent (Australia – Spam Act 2003, Canada – CASL, and Europe- EU Opt-In Directive). The United States is an exception to this.

How they can help:

  • Bulk sending of emails
  • Provide easy to use email templates
  • Assistance with spam considerations
  • Management of lead development
  • Tracking of email campaign performance


Email marketing service to send email newsletters, manage subscriber lists, and track campaign performance. Free plan.

Constant Control 

An alternative to Mailchimp, similar functionality.

Web development and hosting services

How they can help:

  • Design your own website without coding
  • Inexpensive compared to hiring a software developer
  •  Ability to edit, modify and update your own website content
  • Includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Personalize your domain name and email


This web development platform allows users to design their own website using templates and drag and drop tools (it’s really easy to use). Websites are mobile friendly, come with search engine optimization (SEO), social plug-ins (links in with social media accounts), e-commerce (online stores), contact forms, blogs and community forums.

Wix offers free website hosting. You can also purchase your own personalized domain name through Wix (a personalized web address e.g.  Wix is also partnered with Google to provide personalized email (e.g. via Google Apps.

Wix has everything you need to set up a website, blog, email address, community forum and even e-commerce (online store). Other options out there include:

Crazy Domains

Internet domain registrar and web and email hosting company. Use to register your personalized domain and email address. Can purchase and addresses, which are not available though Wix.


An e-commerce platform to create online stores.

Google Apps for Business

Provides email (Gmail), online storage (Google Drive), online calendars (Google calendar) and other tools.

An advantage of choosing Google (for those who live in the USA) is HIPAA compliance. You must sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Google, for HIPAA compliance to apply to you. BAAs are only offered to Google App customers with an administrator account click here  for  details.

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File Hosting Services

Allows access to files and documents over the internet from different computers, tablets and smart phones.

Unfortunately, many regular file hosting services (e.g. Dropbox, iCloud), do not have the level of security required to meet the health information security and privacy requirements (e.g. HITECH and HIPAA). For this reason, Kalix offers free unlimited file storage. Store unlimited documents against client files, as well as generally against your Kalix account e.g. for client handouts, marketing material.


Well, that’s about all for now…I hope you find this info useful. Remember, if you are looking at implementing a new technology or solution, investigate and evaluate the different options available first.

The clever use of technology can make the difference between having an effective and profitable practice and running one that isn’t… Technology can assist a practice to become more efficient, through automation and the removal of unprofitable and wasted time. But, use technology smartly.