Low Cost Marketing for Your Practice

When you are working to establish your practice’s presence online, it can be easy to assume the best way to promote your services is to use paid advertising on platforms like Facebook. But there are actually many different ways to market your practice for little cost.


Hosting a webinar is a free way to engage with your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field.  While it doesn’t cost you anything to host a webinar, they can take time to plan and promote. The more appealing the topic you choose, the more engagement you’ll receive from potential clients. To host a webinar, you will need to spend time developing your content, will need to promote the webinar through social media and any email lists you have. You will also want to follow up with webinar attendees after the event. While this process can take some effort, the payoff can be significant.

Referral Program

For service-based businesses, it is very easy to create a simple referral system which gives incentives to clients who invite their friends to schedule an appointment as well. To do this, you can offer existing patients a percentage off of their next visit or free products. While this may cost your practice some income, you will take up for this with revenue from your new client.


One of the simplest ways to market your business is maintaining a regular blog on your website. Most blog posts are 350-500 words long and focus on topics you know will resonate with your audience. It may seem overwhelming to come up with content for this on a weekly basis but it is possible to write several posts at one time or to outsource this task to a virtual assistant. Having a consistent presence will show your investment in your practice and will also boost your website’s ranking with Google’s search engine.

These marketing tactics may take some time but they will pay off in free exposure for your practice. Do you have any low cost marketing techniques you’ve successfully used in your practice? We’d love to hear about them in the comments!

How to Create Engaging Social Media Content Fast!

In our connected world, many private practice dietitians depend on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to reconnect with existing clients and locate new ones. When you’re time poor and running a busy practice, there are often not enough hours in the day to find engaging content for your social media feeds. The process can often seem overwhelming and of little value, if you’re not strategic about how you utilize these important marketing tools.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to create engaging content for social media. With some easy tips and free tools, it is simple to create content that will reach potential clients and provide useful information to your followers.

Find out where your clients are hanging out

Each social media platform has a different personality and way of engagement. If your clientele is younger, they are more likely to be found on Instagram. Overwhelmed moms, frequent Pinterest and use it as a search engine. People aged 30-50 are active on Facebook. If you want to connect with your peers or establish yourself as an expert in the field, LinkedIn is a great way to connect.

If you are totally new to social media, it may be worthwhile focusing on building your presence on just one platform initially. When feeling more confident, you can move on to other programs.

Include different types of posts

 It can be easy to grab some articles from your favorite blog or a Google search and share them on your page. However, don’t forget that images or video are often more engaging (and more likely to increase your following). How many times have you shared a great quote picture or a relevant video on your personal accounts? Tools like Facebook Live or Canva make it easy to create videos and images that are engaging and don’t take much of your time.

Consider a scheduling tool

Chances are you don’t have hours to spend posting on social media. Free, user-friendly scheduling tools such as Buffer or Hootsuite can allow you to schedule all your social media posts ahead of time. And even with the busiest schedule, your entire week’s social media posts could be scheduled within an hour or so, perhaps during one lunch break. Social media scheduling tools usually offer an array of other functionalities such as the ability to see what times your audience is checking their social media feeds and hence take guesswork of when to post. Some even suggest articles to post.

Social media can be an affordable and efficient marketing tool. Using the tips described here can be your first step toward amplifying your social media presence, growing your practice and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

Using Technology to Manage Your Practice Part 2

This post is by Claire Nichols co-founder and director of Kalix EMR and practice management solution. Claire is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, who has previously worked in private practice as well as clinical dietetics.

This is part 2 in a series of blogs that explore the ins and outs of using technology in private practice setting. It is based my experience working in private practice, as well as the lessons learned while starting my own business, Kalix.

What solutions are there out there?

During this post, I will look at example solutions that can assist with the management of a private practice. I am a bit hesitant about listing actual product names, but you have requested it… so I will…

But first a short disclaimer; I am not associated with any of the solutions listed (except for Kalix that is). This post is not meant to be a complete list. It just contains options I like.  If you are looking to implementing a new technology or solution, investigate and evaluate the different options available first. See my previous blog for things to consider.

Solutions to management your practice

Practice management solutions & electronic medical records

Practice management solutions assist with the management of the day-to-day tasks and operations a private practice.

How they can help:

  • Securely manage and store of sensitive health information
  • Meet government security and privacy requirements (e.g. HIPAA, HITECH, Australian Privacy Principles)
  • Increase the efficiency of client scheduling
  • Automate client appointment reminders to save time and reduce no shows
  • Streamline client, referral and contact management
  • Improve the consistency and efficiency of medical note documentation
  • Simplify invoicing, billing & payments

Example Solutions


Kalix is a HIPAA compliant, cloud-based EMR and practice management solution for diettians and allied health professionals. It has range of features including scheduling, automated reminders, client management, electronic documentation, configurable templates, billing and payments.


 Accounting software

Accounting software are applications that record and manage accounting transactions, invoicing, bank reconciliation bookkeeping and other functionality.

How they can help:

  • Automate data input
  • Instant production of powerful financial and management reports
  • Simplify cash flow management and budgeting

Example Solutions

  • Quickbooks
  • Xero

Social media management

There is more to social media than sharing selfies, baby photos and videos of cute kittens. Social media is almost considered an essential marketing and advertising tool for private practices. if used properly, it can help you to:

  • Connect with new clients and markets
  • Engage and maintain lasting relationships with current clients
  • Re-engage previous clients
  • Establish your expertise and authority in your area of practice
  • Create connections with other health professionals e.g. for referral sources, partnerships and collaborations.

The key phase here is “if used properly”… just participating in social media does not guarantee any of the above.  Social media can easily turn into a time consuming, ineffective and even expensive (if using paid ads) exercise…but the purpose of this blog isn’t to discuss the pros and cons of using social media… or how to achieve success in social media…Technology can help you to achieve success and make your efforts more efficient and effective.

How they can help:

  • Reduce the time required to manage social media accounts by:
      1. Publishing posts to all your social networks at once
      2. Suggesting content for posts
      3. Scheduling posts ahead of time
  • Analyse the effectiveness of your campaigns
  • Monitor your accounts for comments, mentions and reviews of your business

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Example solutions:


Schedules posts in advance for Tweets, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. Post to all medium simultaneously. Monitor conversations and engagement. Free plan.


Very similar to Hootesuite, but shares posts to different social media sthrough the day rather than all at once.

Post Planner

Suggests relevant “trending” content and images for Facebook posts. Provides status updates ideas. Schedules Facebook posts ahead of time.


Management tool for Twitter. Allows the management of multiple accounts in one interface. Schedules Tweets in advance. Tracks specified topics, hashtags and sends alerts. Allows the filtering of your feed.

Twitter Analytics

An analytics tool to see info about how many users are viewing and interacting with your tweet.

Email Marketing

Solutions to send bulk email messages to a subscriber list, they are often used to send electronic newsletters and special offers.

Note: despite being a widely used practice, in many countries, it is illegal to send direct email marketing messages without prior consent (Australia – Spam Act 2003, Canada – CASL, and Europe- EU Opt-In Directive). The United States is an exception to this.

How they can help:

  • Bulk sending of emails
  • Provide easy to use email templates
  • Assistance with spam considerations
  • Management of lead development
  • Tracking of email campaign performance


Email marketing service to send email newsletters, manage subscriber lists, and track campaign performance. Free plan.

Constant Control 

An alternative to Mailchimp, similar functionality.

Web development and hosting services

How they can help:

  • Design your own website without coding
  • Inexpensive compared to hiring a software developer
  •  Ability to edit, modify and update your own website content
  • Includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Personalize your domain name and email

Wix https://www.wix.com/

This web development platform allows users to design their own website using templates and drag and drop tools (it’s really easy to use). Websites are mobile friendly, come with search engine optimization (SEO), social plug-ins (links in with social media accounts), e-commerce (online stores), contact forms, blogs and community forums.

Wix offers free website hosting. You can also purchase your own personalized domain name through Wix (a personalized web address e.g. www.mypracticename.com).  Wix is also partnered with Google to provide personalized email (e.g. name@mypracticename.com) via Google Apps.

Wix has everything you need to set up a website, blog, email address, community forum and even e-commerce (online store). Other options out there include:

Crazy Domains

Internet domain registrar and web and email hosting company. Use to register your personalized domain and email address. Can purchase .com.au and .net.au addresses, which are not available though Wix.


An e-commerce platform to create online stores.

Google Apps for Business

Provides email (Gmail), online storage (Google Drive), online calendars (Google calendar) and other tools.

An advantage of choosing Google (for those who live in the USA) is HIPAA compliance. You must sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Google, for HIPAA compliance to apply to you. BAAs are only offered to Google App customers with an administrator account click here  for  details.

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File Hosting Services

Allows access to files and documents over the internet from different computers, tablets and smart phones.

Unfortunately, many regular file hosting services (e.g. Dropbox, iCloud), do not have the level of security required to meet the health information security and privacy requirements (e.g. HITECH and HIPAA). For this reason, Kalix offers free unlimited file storage. Store unlimited documents against client files, as well as generally against your Kalix account e.g. for client handouts, marketing material.


Well, that’s about all for now…I hope you find this info useful. Remember, if you are looking at implementing a new technology or solution, investigate and evaluate the different options available first.

The clever use of technology can make the difference between having an effective and profitable practice and running one that isn’t… Technology can assist a practice to become more efficient, through automation and the removal of unprofitable and wasted time. But, use technology smartly.